American National Standard for Supplier Credentialing in Healthcare
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 01/11/2019
Category: ANSI-NEMA
Smart Grid Interoperable & Conformant (SG-IC) Testing and Certification Scheme Operator Guidelines
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 07/11/2013
Smart Grid Interoperability Process Reference Manual
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2016
ANSI/NEMA WC 27500-2005
Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
ANSI/NEMA WC 27500-2012
Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 07/03/2012
ANSI/NEMA WC 27500-2015
Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 06/01/2015
ANSI/NEMA WC 51 ICEA P-54-440-2009 (R2014)
Ampacities of Cables Installed in Cable Trays
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 05/20/2009
ANSI/NEMA WC 53-2008/ICEA T-27-581
Standard Test Methods for Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation and Portable Cables for Test
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 08/04/2008
ANSI/NEMA WC 53/ICEA T-27-581-2016
Standard Test Methods for Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation, and Portable Cables for Test
standard by American National Standards Institute / National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/01/2016