1.1 This standard is a compilation of terminology related to materials used in the highway industry, generally for the construction of bituminous pavements, and that are within the jurisdiction of Committee D04. Terms that are generally understood or that are adequately defined in other readily available sources are not included.
1.2 Other terminology under the jurisdiction of Committee D04 is included in two other standards. Terms relating to bridge deck and substructure protection are defined in Terminology D 3743. Terms relating to sealants for joints and cracks are defined in Terminology D 5535.
1.3 When a term is used in an ASTM document for which Committee D04 is responsible, it is included herein only when judged, after review by Subcommittee D04.95, to be a term generally usable in a number of Committee D04 standards.
1.4 Definitions that are identical to those published by other ASTM committees or other standards organizations are identified with the ASTM designation (for example, Terminology C 125) or with the abbreviation of the name of the organization.
1.5 A definition in this standard is a statement of the meaning of a word or word group expressed in a single sentence with additional information included in notes or discussion.
Note 1 – The subcommittee responsible for this standard will review definitions on a five-year basis to determine if the definition is still appropriate as stated. Revisions will be made when determined necessary.
Product Details
- Published:
- 07/10/2002
- Number of Pages:
- 4
- File Size:
- 1 file , 33 KB
- Redline File Size:
- 2 files , 69 KB